Sunday, October 25, 2009

15 Days

With fifteen days until departure - most pieces are in place.

We are yet to book a hostel in Buenos Aires. We are waiting to hear back from a staff member about the possibility of helping with upkeep in exchange for a free/discounted room. If we have not heard anything definite by the end of this next week, we'll probably book the Pax Hostel and figure out a more permanent situation in country.

The plan is to stay in the BA vicinity for about a month. Assuming our only obligation will be to help out around the hostel, there should be plenty of time to explore. All indications suggest that day trips to Montevideo, Uruguay are a very real possibility.
I have "committed" to a (tentative) three day rotation:

Day 1: Explore the city/surroundings.
Day 2: Pursue soccer related activities.
Day 3: Write.

I do not intend to establish a routine - this rotation is more so a matter of probability.

Sometime in December, we will start to make our way through the Patagonia.
We've booked a hostel in Punta Arenas, Chile - partly to placate the Argentine customs official that will be skeptical about our one-way ticket - partly to keep us moving.
Once we get down to Punta Arenas, we have the month of January to continue hiking and camping. I'm telling myself I will befriend a local near one of the hundreds of islands that make up a megalopolis of archipelagos along the southern portion of Chile, that will let us work on his isolated sheep farm.

Around February we will be making our way north to Isle Chiloe. Word is that this is a "mystical" region where "time passes differently" - enough said. We have contacted several WWOOF farms on the island and have had replies from most. Unfortunately, our number one choice (Thomas, "el holandes" part mad scientist - part Castaneda) in Puerto Raul Marin has not replied, yet. However, we have already had a lengthy correspondence with a family in Chacoa (just east of Ancud). They are more than happy to have us February through April if we are willing to stay that long.

Looking at the accommodations, I can see us staying a while!

Between the snail farm, the horses, and mollusk harvesting, should be plenty to learn.

It is safe to say, I am more than excited by the prospect.
Of course, we do still intend to make our way to Valparaiso, Santiago, and hopefully Antofagasta and/or Iquique. We are also leaving the door open for a trip into Peru, but nothing solid is planned beyond Chiloe.

So...that is the state of things. Meanwhile, I refuse to sleep. I am exhausting myself in hopes that I will be able to sleep on the plane come November. Until then, I'll force my eyelids open and settle for daydreams.

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